Economic Portrait of South Jakarta (Economic Census Analysis 2016 Listing Result) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jakarta Selatan Municipality

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Economic Portrait of South Jakarta (Economic Census Analysis 2016 Listing Result)

Catalog Number : 9102059.3171
Publication Number : 31710.1801
Release Date : January 18, 2018
File Size : 3.65 MB


Economic Census 2016 Listing produces basic data of economic activities especially regarding the number of businesses and labor. The data is useful for planning and evaluation. This publication contains description and information about the number of business / company and labor based on business scale and business field category. In addition, this publication also provides an analysis of the potential of South Jakarta in economic and the evaluation of the realization on government programs associated with SE2016 listing results data and other data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan (Statistics of Jakarta Selatan Municipality)Jl. Tanjung Barat Raya No.65 Pejaten Timur Pasar Minggu

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